- Diesel Forklift
- 4.5 Ton Diesel Forklift48 Ton Diesel Forklift3 Ton Diesel Forklift3.5 Ton Diesel Forklift2.5 Ton Diesel Forklift33 Ton Diesel Forklift15 Ton Diesel Forklift10 Ton Diesel Forklift8 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift2 Ton Diesel Forklift1 Ton Diesel Forklift1.8 Ton Diesel Forklift1.5 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel ForkliftFour Wheel Drive Forklift
- Electric Forklift
- 12t Lithium-Battery-forklift12t Electric Forklift Truck8t Electric Forklift10t electric forklift truck25ton Lithium Battery Forklift7ton Electric Forklift16ton Lithium Battery forklift2 Ton Electric Forklift1.8 Ton Electric Forklift6 Ton Electric Forklift1.5 Ton Electric Forklift1 Ton Electric Forklift2.5 Ton Electric Forklift3.5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift1.6 Ton Three Wheel Forklift2 Ton Three Wheel Forklift
- Forklift Attachements
- Fixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingnon-sideshiftingFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingNon-sideshiftingHinged ForksCaton ClampRotatornon-SideshiftingTire ClampsPusherTurning Fork Clampsnon-sideshiftingLog HolderSideshiftingBroke Paper ClampsSideshiftingSideshiftingSingleLoad StabilizerFork PositionersSingle Double Pallet Handler
Six categories of electric forklifts and their respective performance characteristics
Date: 2022-06-01 View:
Six categories of electric forklifts and their respective performance characteristics
(1) Electric pallet handling forklift
The main function of the electric pallet forklift is to realize the point-to-point movement of palletized goods on the plane, so there is no gantry lifting system, and it is suitable for places that focus on handling and do not need stacking. Three types with different costs.
(2) Electric pallet stacking forklift
(2) Electric pallet stacking forklift
The electric pallet stacking forklift is a light-duty indoor lifting and stacking equipment, focusing on the stacking function due to its lightweight body. It is suitable for handling light and small materials in floor warehouses or other narrow places.
(3) Reach forklift
(3) Reach forklift
The hoisting mechanism of the reach forklift can move back and forth in the longitudinal direction of the forklift. When picking up goods. Reach forklifts have good flexibility, high lifting safety and stability. But since the wheels are smaller. Passability is limited, and because of its complex structure and high cost, it is suitable for places with narrow space and high lifting height requirements, and is mostly used in high-rise warehouses.
(4) Universal electric forklift
(4) Universal electric forklift
The universal electric forklift can travel in all directions, and the steering is flexible. After picking up the goods, it can turn in place according to the site restrictions and move the forklift in any direction. This model solves the problem of turning long materials in a narrow space, greatly saves space, and can realize oblique stacking and dismantling in trains and automobiles.
(5) Four-way electric forklift
(5) Four-way electric forklift
The four-way electric forklift integrates the functions of a reach forklift, side fork and counterbalanced forklift. When the fork is unloaded, the fork is extended, and after the fork is unloaded, the fork returns to the middle position close to the car body, so the stability of the forklift is greatly improved. However, due to the complex structure, the cost is high.
(6) VNA narrow aisle forklift
(6) VNA narrow aisle forklift
The main feature of the VNA narrow aisle forklift is that the gantry lifting mechanism can be rotated in three directions, and the car body does not need to be rotated during stacking, only the cargo or the gantry needs to be rotated. Therefore the channel width requirement is greatly reduced.
FLIFT electric stacker testing video:
FLIFT electric stacker testing video: