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- Electric Forklift
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- Rough Terrain Forklift
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- Pallet stacker
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- Customization Forklift
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- Forklift Attachements
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Some Tips to Reduce to Forklift Downtime
Date: 2023-06-06 View:
Forklifts have changed dramatically over the years,
but the foundations of good fleet management have not changed as much as the forklifts themselves.
These principlrd remain centered around operational and maintenance practices
that can help you avoid hassle, downtime and increased repaid costs.
1: Keep records
The best way to know how well your forklift is performing is to keep a record of each one.
Each forklift is different, so an accurate performance profile would indicate exactly when the forklift was scrapped.
A separate record is usually kept for each forklift.
Keep important statistics on your forklift in your records:
purhase or rental price, date of purchase, make ,model and serial number.
The date of all scheduled maintenance inspections and what needs to be repaired by a service technician,
if any to this information. Usually you will receive a report form after each PM.
Keep these tables in the forklift's archives for dry reference and to track repair trends or operator abuses.
2. Replace the forklift at the right time
There is no definitive answer as to how long a forklift should lasr,
but many people take a less-than-ideal approach when replacing a forklift.
Some companies that don't record information simply replace forklifts at a specifid age,
usually three to seven years, depending on their application.
The problem with this set of policies is that the exacr moment of forklift scrapping
can only be determined based on an accurate profile of the records.
Using a set time period allows you to replace some devices
before the total cost is lower and replace others after the lower total cost has passed.
3. Carry out planned repairs
Without oil or filter changes, your new car will not last three years. Know that to keep your car in good working order,
you need to follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule.
The same goes for forklifts, and if you follow maintencance procedures,
you can spot small anomalies before they turn into major repairs and major downtime,
reducing downtime and overall operating costs.
4. Read the instructions
In the operation and maintenance manual that accompanies each vehicle,
you will find a maintenance section with scheduled service intervals.
The manual also provides service details on proper fluid replacement and service specifications.
Using the manufacturer's specified fluids and replacement parts
will ensure that your forklift performs the purpose for which it was originally designed.
There is also information on proper operation and important safety
precautions that can be viewed with your operator. If you lose the original manual that came with your forklift,
you can request a new one from your local dealer.
5. Maintain good business management
All the training in the world will not prevent product and forklift damage
if your facility is not kept clean and the floors or operating surfaces are not well maintained.
Dust, dirt and debris can damage forklift components and systems.
Uneven surfaces and wet or greasy floors can affect the life of forklifts
and can lead to workplace accidents that endanger operators or personnel in the area.