- Diesel Forklift
- 4.5 Ton Diesel Forklift48 Ton Diesel Forklift3 Ton Diesel Forklift3.5 Ton Diesel Forklift2.5 Ton Diesel Forklift33 Ton Diesel Forklift15 Ton Diesel Forklift10 Ton Diesel Forklift8 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift2 Ton Diesel Forklift1 Ton Diesel Forklift1.8 Ton Diesel Forklift1.5 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel ForkliftFour Wheel Drive Forklift
- Electric Forklift
- 12t Lithium-Battery-forklift12t Electric Forklift Truck8t Electric Forklift10t electric forklift truck25ton Lithium Battery Forklift7ton Electric Forklift16ton Lithium Battery forklift2 Ton Electric Forklift1.8 Ton Electric Forklift6 Ton Electric Forklift1.5 Ton Electric Forklift1 Ton Electric Forklift2.5 Ton Electric Forklift3.5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift1.6 Ton Three Wheel Forklift2 Ton Three Wheel Forklift
- Forklift Attachements
- Fixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingnon-sideshiftingFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingNon-sideshiftingHinged ForksCaton ClampRotatornon-SideshiftingTire ClampsPusherTurning Fork Clampsnon-sideshiftingLog HolderSideshiftingBroke Paper ClampsSideshiftingSideshiftingSingleLoad StabilizerFork PositionersSingle Double Pallet Handler
What is a three-point electric forklift? What are the advantages?
Date: 2016-05-16 View:
What is a three-point electric forklift? What are the advantages?
The three-pivot electric forklift is between an all-electric stacker and a four-wheel forklift. It has three large rubber tires, so it is also called a three-wheel forklift. It is suitable for outdoor operations and has no strict requirements on the ground. It has a price advantage over four-wheel forklifts, and it also has many advantages of four-wheel forklifts while meeting the economical requirements of customers.
The three-pivot electric forklift has perfect flexibility, it can shuttle between the layers of shelves, the compact body design and the smooth cargo-sensing steering system, the three-pivot electric forklift has a very small turning radius, which is smaller than the general stacker. Tall machines are smaller. It can rotate freely in the narrow storage aisles. The electronic control, motor and hydraulic system can adjust various performance settings through the microprocessor to ensure that the forklift works in the highest efficiency state.
In addition, the three-pivot electric forklift is a ride-on driving method, which is comfortable and controllable, with a comfortable ergonomic driving space design and a clear and easy-to-see instrument control panel, contributing to the best work efficiency and comfortable operating space . This gives the forklift operator a sense of security and makes them feel more at ease when working.
The three-pivot electric forklift is between an all-electric stacker and a four-wheel forklift. It has three large rubber tires, so it is also called a three-wheel forklift. It is suitable for outdoor operations and has no strict requirements on the ground. It has a price advantage over four-wheel forklifts, and it also has many advantages of four-wheel forklifts while meeting the economical requirements of customers.
The three-pivot electric forklift has perfect flexibility, it can shuttle between the layers of shelves, the compact body design and the smooth cargo-sensing steering system, the three-pivot electric forklift has a very small turning radius, which is smaller than the general stacker. Tall machines are smaller. It can rotate freely in the narrow storage aisles. The electronic control, motor and hydraulic system can adjust various performance settings through the microprocessor to ensure that the forklift works in the highest efficiency state.
In addition, the three-pivot electric forklift is a ride-on driving method, which is comfortable and controllable, with a comfortable ergonomic driving space design and a clear and easy-to-see instrument control panel, contributing to the best work efficiency and comfortable operating space . This gives the forklift operator a sense of security and makes them feel more at ease when working.