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- Electric Forklift
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Forklift System knowledge Overview
Date: 2023-07-06 View:
Commonly used systems for motor forklifts are: drive system,
lifting system,brake system, steering system,
generally love to fail on these five systems, system common fault handling methods.

1:Common faults and treatment methods of drive systems
1: The clutch slips or does not separate,
the cause of this failure is the friction plate is stuck with oil or the friction plate is damaged,
the common solution is to clean the friction plate or replace the friction plate.
2:The cause of the abnormal shout in the gearbox is mainly excessive gear wear or bearing damage,
and this treatment is to replace the gear or replace the bearing.

2:Common faults and treatment methods of lifting system
1: The gantry is not synchronized when it is tilted,
and the cause of the analysis fault is caused by the inconsistency of the stroke
of the two inclined cylinders or the inconsistent size of the interception hole at the joint of the cylinder pipeline,
and the treatment method is to adjust the stroke
of the two inclined cylinders and replace the joint with the same shut-off hole.
2: The gantry cannot be lifted when there is no load,
this is because the multi-way valve overflow hole is blocked,
and it can be done by removing the debris in the multi-way valve overflow hole.

3: Common faults and treatment methods of brake system
1: The two wheels cannot brake at the same time,
and the cause of the fault is that the gap between the two brakes
is unequal or the pipeline of the brake is blocked,
and the treatment method is to adjust the gap
between the two brakes or unblock the pipeline.
2: Hand brake failure,
this may be due to the slack of the hand brake wire,
the way to deal with it is to adjust the tightness of the hand brake wire.
4: Common faults and treatment methods of steering systems
1: Oil leakage of the steering gear,
and the cause of the fault is due to oil leakage on each
joint surface of the steering gear(valve body, partition disc, stator, rotor).
The external method is to replace the seal,
clean the steering gear, joint surface or better strengthen the bolts.
2: Steering failure,
the cause of the analysis of the failure is because the steering
spring plate is broken or the steering pin shaft is broken and deformed,
or the coupling opending is broken or deformed,
and the external method is better spring platem pin shaft, coupling.