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- Electric Forklift
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- Rough Terrain Forklift
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- Customization Forklift
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- Forklift Attachements
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How To Choose A Suitable Forklift Mast
Date: 2023-08-02 View:
Forklifts are an important tool in many industries,
especially on construction sites, warehouses and shipyards.
This is because these job sites often have heavy loads
that require powerful forklifts to lift and move them.
Forklifts, while not too large, can lift loads weighing thousands of pounds into the air.
However, there are so many different types and styles of forklifts,
an important factor to consider when choosing a forklift for your job site is the forklift mast.

1: Considerations when choosing a forklift mast
►Free lift height
One factor to consider when choosing a forklift jack is free lift height,
especially where ceiling space is low.
Free lift height means that the forklift operator
can raise the forks without changing the height of the lift frame.
While free lift height is an advantage when working in tight spaces,
visibility can be restricted if the lift mechanism is centrally located on the mast.
►Lowered height
Another factor affecting the choice of forklift mast is the lowered height,
also known as the folded height. The lowered height is the distance
from the floor to the top of the mast when the mast is lowered.
The reduced height is especially important if your forklift
is going through tight spaces such as doorways.
►Extended height
At the other end of the forklift mast is the extended height of the mast.
This is the distance from the floor to the top of the lift when the lift is fully extended.
2:Common Types of Forklift Masts
►Simplex Mast
A single-stage mast, also known as a monomast,
has no free lift and only one channel. The mast has to be extended higher to stack the load,
which is why this is seen outdoors, where overhead clearance
is not an issue (ie, lifting height is not limited).
►2-Stage Mast
Two-stage masts, also known as twin masts,
are free-rising and are typically used for stacking and double-stacking
in indoor applications where overhead is limited.
Two-stage mast forklifts have good visibility
because there are not as many mast sections obstructing the driver's view.
There is a hydraulic cylinder in the center of the mast to push the load up.
When the mast is stationary, the load may rise (to an extent).
►3-Stage Mast
A common and versatile forklift mast is the three-stage mast.
The outer stage on this mast does not move.
It has two sliding rails and one inclined fixed rail.
The three-stage mast can be raised and lowered freely
and can reach higher heights, which is very suitable for warehouse applications.
►4-Stage Mast
The four-stage mast has a high reach. This mast has four sets of moving rails and chains,
much more complex than other masts. It's also important to note
that four-stage masts may have limited visibility and require special training to drive.