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- Forklift Attachements
- Fixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingnon-sideshiftingFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingNon-sideshiftingHinged ForksCaton ClampRotatornon-SideshiftingTire ClampsPusherTurning Fork Clampsnon-sideshiftingLog HolderSideshiftingBroke Paper ClampsSideshiftingSideshiftingSingleLoad StabilizerFork PositionersSingle Double Pallet Handler
Causes and Preventive Measures of Rollover Accidents of Forklifts
Date: 2019-04-25 View:
Causes and Preventive Measures of Rollover Accidents of Forklifts
1. Forklift rollover
3. Measures to prevent the forklift from rolling over
1. Forklift rollover
Forklift rollover is a frequent accident in loading, unloading and handling. The objective reason is the centrifugal force when the forklift turns and the component force of gravity along the slope direction when driving on a lateral slope. But the main reason is that the driver does not strictly follow the rules and regulations. This article is mainly to discuss the reasons for the rollover of the forklift and the preventive measures.
2. The reason for the rollover of the forklift
Due to the working environment of the forklift, the front wheel is structurally designed as a driving wheel with a brake; the rear wheel is a steering wheel. Thereby, the flexibility of its operation is improved and the stability of the vehicle body can be maintained when passing through uneven road surfaces. However, this structure is not conducive to preventing the forklift from rolling over.
3. Measures to prevent the forklift from rolling over
1. The elements that should be controlled when the forklift travels without load are:
A. When steering and turning, the vehicle speed should be strictly controlled.
B. When the forklift rolls over, stepping on the brake will only accelerate the rollover of the forklift.
C. If a rollover has occurred, the driver must not jump out of the car.
2. From the perspective of design and production, the measures to prevent forklift rollover accidents are as follows:
A. When designing a forklift, the determination of the maximum speed should comprehensively consider the safety of the forklift.
B. Install forklift speed limit alarm.
C. Seat belts must be designed on the driver's seat to force the driver not to jump.
3. Measures to be taken in other areas:
A. In case of misoperation or accident, the forklift may roll over. At this time, the driver must not jump out of the car or step on the foot brake, but should hold the steering wheel firmly with both hands, and the body should fall in the opposite direction of the rollover.
B. For forklifts whose maximum lifting height does not exceed 1.8m, it is forbidden to install overhead guards. The overhead guard is set to prevent the small goods from falling over the rack and hitting the driver's body when the forklift is lifted to a higher position. But in a rollover, once the driver jumps out of the car, or is thrown, it will cause injury to the driver.
4. Actions to be taken by the operator:
A. When a rollover occurs, do not jump off the car. According to the statistics of relevant scholars, 80% of the drivers who jumped from the car were seriously injured or killed by the roof guard.
B. Drive strictly in accordance with the operating rules.
C. It is necessary to reasonably control the speed of the forklift, to strive for efficiency under the premise of safety, and to drive a civilized forklift.
D. When a rollover occurs, don't panic, turn the steering wheel slowly to adjust the direction, use the oil to decelerate, and never use the parking brake to force the stop.