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Three directions of development of automated guided vehicles
Date: 2023-06-02 View:
An automated guided vehicle is a robotic vehicle for automated logistics transportation.
They are widely used in industrial and commercial settings to automatically move items
within warehouses, factories, hospitals and other premises.
Automated guided vehicles have many advantages,
including improving the efficiency and accuracy of logistics transportation,
reducing labor costs, and reducing errors and damage during transportation.
And can work in continuous operation. In addition, automated guided vehicles
can be integrated into logistics management systems for automated tracking and management.
Currently, the development of automated guided vehicles is mainly in three directions:

1: Safety First
Safety systems for automated guided vehicles are constantly evolving,
allowing constant observation of the surroundings,
not only in front of the moving vehicle, but also on the sides and behind.
The scanning area can be divided into two areas: a protection zone and a warning zone.
The former varies with the speed and direction of the lorry.
Any object detected in the area will be accompanied by an appropriate response from the vehicle.

2: Charging on the move
There are many ways to power self-guided vehicles, and here are the ones that dominate the market.
In current solutions, charging is increasingly done contact-less, by driving the trolley onto a special charger.
There are also batteries that use manual replacement.
Although this approach does not require AGV phase deactivation, operator intervention is necessary.
►A more advanced technology is a power system that uses an inductive loop
that is embedded in the floor along the route of the trolley.
This solution allows contactless charging while driving,
thereby increasing AGV availability. This is both an efficient and reliable method.
However, it has one considerable drawback, which is its relatively low resistance to mechanical damage.
►Another popular solution is super capacitors,
which allow inductive charging while driving or at power stations.
Unlike charging through an inductive loop in this approach, AGV requires continuous charging;
It can use the energy stored in the super capacitor to cover a certain distance.
3: Follow the set path or use the navigation
There are also different ways to control and navigate AGV,
and the more traditional approach is to use various forms of route marking,
which is constant. But if it is necessary to change its course, it is also necessary to modify such markings accordingly.
Thus, in the case of sketching, marking new routes can be time-consuming and incur considerable costs.
The control of a self-driving vehicle in a hum or inductive loop approach is similar.
In the former, magnetic sensors on the bogies track magnetized strips of material glued to the floor.
In the second method, a wire is embedded in the floor to create a magnetic field.
The AGV sensor detects the strength of this magnetic field and controls the barrow's motion based on it.
Another approach is to place different markers in different areas of the hall.
The AGV laser scanner or other vision system finds these points and then the control system determines
the current position of the trolley in real time on a comparative basis.The laser method,
especially when a large number of markers are placed in the hall, allows for very precise positioning of vehicles.