- Diesel Forklift
- 4.5 Ton Diesel Forklift48 Ton Diesel Forklift3 Ton Diesel Forklift3.5 Ton Diesel Forklift2.5 Ton Diesel Forklift33 Ton Diesel Forklift15 Ton Diesel Forklift10 Ton Diesel Forklift8 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift2 Ton Diesel Forklift1 Ton Diesel Forklift1.8 Ton Diesel Forklift1.5 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel ForkliftFour Wheel Drive Forklift
- Electric Forklift
- 3.8ton FB38LE Low Voltage Lithium Battery Forklift3.5ton FB35LE Low Voltage Lithium Battery Forklift3.5ton Low Voltage FB35LE-e Lithium Battery forklift3 ton Low Voltage FB30LE Lithium Battery Forklift12t Lithium-Battery-forklift12t Electric Forklift Truck8t Electric Forklift10t electric forklift truck25ton Lithium Battery Forklift7ton Electric Forklift16ton Lithium Battery forklift2 Ton Electric Forklift1.8 Ton Electric Forklift6 Ton Electric Forklift1.5 Ton Electric Forklift1 Ton Electric Forklift2.5 Ton Electric Forklift3.5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift1.6 Ton Three Wheel Forklift2 Ton Three Wheel Forklift
- Pallet stacker
- DGX15 1.5t Electric Pallet StackerDGX12 1.2t Electric Pallet StackerMCC16 1.6t Man Mount Three-way StackerDGXC1530 1.5t Outdoor Electric Pallet StackerDGXC15 1.5t Electric Pallet StackerCTX18 1.8t Electric Pallet Truck JackDGX1520 1.5t Electric Pallet StackerDGX1230-walking-type-electric-pallet-stackerDGX1225 1200kg Electric Pallet StackerDGX1220 1.2t Walking Type Electric StackerCTXF20 2t Paper Roll/Wire Pallet TruckDGXA0420 0.4t Battery Indoor Counterbalanced StackerDGXB1020 1t outdoor counterbalanced stackerDGXC1520 1.5t Rough Terrain StackerCTXJ15 1.5t Electric Pallet TruckCTXA20 2t Rough-Terrain-Pallet-TruckCTXZ20 2t Electric Pallet TruckCTX20 2t Elecric Pallet Truck1.5 Ton Handling Electric Pallet Truck2 Ton Reach Forklift1.5 Ton Reach Forklift2 Ton Electric Pallet TruckSemi-electric Pallet Stacker3-Way Pallet StackerSide loading forklift truck4 direction reach truckElectric Tow Tractor 2t
- Customization Forklift
- 900kg CDD09B Electric Walking Type Counterweight StackerProfessional Walking Type Electric Stacker with Special Attachment1ton Electric Outdoor Rough Terrain Telescopic Spreader Stacker4t QDD40 Seated type Electric TractorQDD60 Seated Type Fully Electric Tractor3t QDD30C Electric Tractor with Turning Radius 1545mm2t CQD20A Electric Simple Type Reach Forklift Truck1.5t CQD15A Simple Type Electric Reach forklift Truck5t Convertible Seated Electric Flat Truck3t CBD30Z Electric Vehicle Transfer Truck1.5t CDD15Y Electric Pallet Stacker (Rough Terrain)1t CXD10-45 Electric High Lift-Order Picker2t CQD20S-60 Four-way Walking Type Reach Forklift TruckCDD10A/15A Walking Type Fully Electric Pallet Stacker3t QDD30A Standing Type Electric Tractor1t CSD10 Man Mount Three-way Stacker1.5t AGV type CDD15J-16 Electric Pallet StackerCBD80 8t Electric Pallet Stacker6t CBD60 Electric Pallet StackerCBD120 1.2t Electric Pallet Stacker2t CDD20D-30 Walking type Electric Pallet StacckerCDD08B-25 Counterweight Electric Pallet Stacker
- Forklift Attachements
- Waste Paper FixtureFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingnon-sideshiftingFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingNon-sideshiftingHinged ForksCaton ClampRotatornon-SideshiftingTire ClampsPusherTurning Fork Clampsnon-sideshiftingLog HolderSideshiftingBroke Paper ClampsSideshiftingSideshiftingSingleLoad StabilizerFork PositionersSingle Double Pallet Handler
How to choose diesel forklift and electric forklift?
Date: 2022-07-21 View:
Each type of forklift will be used in different environments. Choosing the correct type can effectively improve the efficiency of warehousing operations and reduce the occurrence of accidents. Otherwise, it will affect the efficiency and increase the accident rate. Electric forklifts and diesel forklifts actually have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Let's talk about diesel forklifts first:
Advantages: The diesel engine has sufficient horsepower and high output power, and can adapt to a variety of environments, even in some difficult environments. Moreover, the fuel supply on demand is more timely, and the battery life can not be said.
Disadvantages: The noise of diesel engines is relatively large, and the exhaust pollution emitted by them is relatively large. The engine needs regular maintenance, and it is more troublesome to repair if it fails. If it is operated indoors, it will seriously affect the indoor air quality. And the car body will be relatively large to accommodate the engine, and the flexibility is low, requiring a channel of 4 meters to 4.5 meters wide to rotate, which cannot be performed in a small space.
For an electric forklift, all power is output by the electric motor.
Advantages: As the power output, the motor can achieve zero emission and zero pollution, and the motor works relatively quietly. It is easy to maintain and relatively simple to maintain. It is more convenient to use in indoor or small space passages, and the control is simpler than that of diesel forklifts. Generally, it can be flexibly operated with a width of 2.7 meters to 2.9 meters.
Disadvantages: The power is smaller than that of a diesel forklift. If the battery is out of power, it needs to stop working to charge, and a full charge takes a long time, 10-14 hours, basically it is used up during the day and charged at night. If you forget to charge one day, you can only stop working to charge the next day. Unless there is a spare battery for use, the battery life is not a small gap compared to diesel forklifts.
However, because the maintenance cycle of the electric forklift motor is much longer than that of the diesel forklift, and the time required for each maintenance is much less than that of the diesel forklift, it saves a lot of time and labor costs caused by maintenance. Taken together, the downtime of electric forklifts is less than that of diesel forklifts. In some electronic equipment factories and other manufacturers that do not have high-quality goods and need a relatively clean environment, electric forklifts are the first choice.
Let's talk about diesel forklifts first:
Advantages: The diesel engine has sufficient horsepower and high output power, and can adapt to a variety of environments, even in some difficult environments. Moreover, the fuel supply on demand is more timely, and the battery life can not be said.
Disadvantages: The noise of diesel engines is relatively large, and the exhaust pollution emitted by them is relatively large. The engine needs regular maintenance, and it is more troublesome to repair if it fails. If it is operated indoors, it will seriously affect the indoor air quality. And the car body will be relatively large to accommodate the engine, and the flexibility is low, requiring a channel of 4 meters to 4.5 meters wide to rotate, which cannot be performed in a small space.
For an electric forklift, all power is output by the electric motor.
Advantages: As the power output, the motor can achieve zero emission and zero pollution, and the motor works relatively quietly. It is easy to maintain and relatively simple to maintain. It is more convenient to use in indoor or small space passages, and the control is simpler than that of diesel forklifts. Generally, it can be flexibly operated with a width of 2.7 meters to 2.9 meters.
Disadvantages: The power is smaller than that of a diesel forklift. If the battery is out of power, it needs to stop working to charge, and a full charge takes a long time, 10-14 hours, basically it is used up during the day and charged at night. If you forget to charge one day, you can only stop working to charge the next day. Unless there is a spare battery for use, the battery life is not a small gap compared to diesel forklifts.
However, because the maintenance cycle of the electric forklift motor is much longer than that of the diesel forklift, and the time required for each maintenance is much less than that of the diesel forklift, it saves a lot of time and labor costs caused by maintenance. Taken together, the downtime of electric forklifts is less than that of diesel forklifts. In some electronic equipment factories and other manufacturers that do not have high-quality goods and need a relatively clean environment, electric forklifts are the first choice.