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How to fix the electric pallet truck no lifting problem?
Date: 2024-12-12 View:
Get your warehouse back on track in no time!

Electric pallet trucks do not lift may be caused by the following multiple reasons:
First, the hydraulic system problems
Insufficient hydraulic oil
Hydraulic oil is the key medium for pallet truck lifting. If the hydraulic oil level is too low,
the pump may not be able to pump hydraulic oil to generate enough pressure to lift the forks. For example,
prolonged use or leaks in the hydraulic system may result in insufficient hydraulic fluid.
Checking method: Usually there is a level indicator device on the hydraulic tank of the electric pallet truck,
you can judge whether the hydraulic oil is enough by observing the level gauge.
Oil pump failure
The oil pump is the component that provides power for the hydraulic system. If the oil pump is damaged,
such as the motor failure can not drive the oil pump operation,
or the oil pump internal gears, vanes and other parts are worn,
it can not produce enough pressure to push the hydraulic oil,
resulting in the forks can not be lifted.
For example, a burnt out winding of the oil pump motor will prevent the motor from working.
This situation may be caused by long time overload operation or the motor is affected by moisture.
Detection method: You can initially determine whether the oil pump is malfunctioning
by checking whether there is current passing through the motor
and listening to whether the oil pump running sound is normal.
Normal oil pump running sound should be smooth and regular, if there is abnormal noise,
such as sharp friction or humming sound,
may indicate that the oil pump has problems.
Clogged or damaged hydraulic valves
Hydraulic valves control the flow and pressure of hydraulic fluid. If the hydraulic valve is clogged,
the hydraulic oil cannot flow smoothly to the lifting cylinder and the forks cannot be lifted. For example,
impurities and dirt in the hydraulic fluid may build up at the valve, causing it to become clogged.
In addition, conditions such as spool wear or spring failure of the hydraulic valve can also affect its normal working condition.
For example, a worn spool can cause the valve to fail to close or open completely,
so that the pressure of the hydraulic system cannot be built up or released properly.
Inspection method: You can disassemble the hydraulic valve for cleaning and inspection
to see if the spool is worn and the elasticity of the spring is normal.
Cylinder leakage or damage
The lifting cylinder is the part that directly pushes the forks up. If the seals of the cylinder are aged and damaged,
it will lead to the leakage of hydraulic oil, so that the cylinder can not work properly.
For example, if the seal at the piston of the cylinder is worn out, the hydraulic oil will leak out from the gap,
resulting in a drop in pressure and failure to provide sufficient thrust.
such as oil stains on the ground or oil drops on the surface of the cylinder.
At the same time, you can judge whether there is internal damage by checking the movement of the cylinder,
such as observing whether there is a slow decline when the fork is loaded with a smaller weight.

Second, electrical system problems
Insufficient or faulty battery
Electric pallet trucks rely on batteries to provide power. If the battery power is too low,
it may not be able to provide enough power for the lifting motor,
resulting in the forks not being able to lift.
For example, a long period of time without charging or an ageing battery can leave the battery low.
Battery failure may also be a cause, such as damage to the internal plates of the battery, short circuits and other conditions.
You can initially judge the state of the battery by checking the battery voltage. Under normal circumstances,
the battery voltage of an electric pallet truck should be within the specified range.
If the voltage is too low, the battery may need to be recharged or replaced.
Lifting Motor Failure
Damage to the lifting motor will directly affect the lifting of the forks. Failure of the motor can be caused by overloading,
short circuiting or burnt out motor windings.
For example, frequent lifting of loads exceeding the rated load of the pallet truck will overload the motor,
resulting in damage to the motor.
and at the same time check whether the wiring of the motor is loose or off.
If the motor winding resistance value is abnormal or the wiring is faulty,
it may cause the motor to not work properly.

Electrical wiring problems
The electrical wiring of the electric pallet truck connects various electrical components.
If the wiring is broken, short-circuited or has poor contact,
it will also affect the lifting of the forks. For example, after the line has been used for a long time, the joints may oxidise,
leading to an increase in contact resistance, so that the current cannot pass through normally.
Inspection method:
Check the electrical wiring carefully to see if there are any signs of breakage or burning,
and also check whether each connector is firmly connected.
You can use an insulation resistance meter to check the insulation of the line to ensure that the line is not short-circuited.
Third, the mechanical parts of the problem
Fork deformation or stuck
If the fork is deformed, it may interfere with other parts of the pallet truck in the lifting process,
resulting in failure to lift. For example, if the forks are bent after impact, they may get stuck with the frame or rail during lifting.
Checking method: Observe whether the shape of the fork is normal, whether there is obvious bending or deformation.
At the same time,
you can manually operate the forks to see if they can move up and down smoothly for a short distance to check whether there is any jamming.
Chain or transmission parts failure
Some electric pallet trucks use chains and other transmission components to drive the forks. If the chain is broken, slack or the sprocket is worn,
it will affect the transmission of power, resulting in the forks not being able to lift. For example,
the chain will be elongated due to wear and tear after long-term use, and it is easy to jump teeth or slip phenomenon.
and also check whether the teeth of the sprocket are intact and whether there are signs of excessive wear.

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