- Diesel Forklift
- 4.5 Ton Diesel Forklift48 Ton Diesel Forklift3 Ton Diesel Forklift3.5 Ton Diesel Forklift2.5 Ton Diesel Forklift33 Ton Diesel Forklift15 Ton Diesel Forklift10 Ton Diesel Forklift8 Ton Diesel Forklift4 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift2 Ton Diesel Forklift1 Ton Diesel Forklift1.8 Ton Diesel Forklift1.5 Ton Diesel Forklift6 Ton Diesel Forklift35 ton Diesel ForkliftFour Wheel Drive Forklift
- Electric Forklift
- 3.8ton FB38LE Low Voltage Lithium Battery Forklift3.5ton FB35LE Low Voltage Lithium Battery Forklift3.5ton Low Voltage FB35LE-e Lithium Battery forklift3 ton Low Voltage FB30LE Lithium Battery Forklift12t Lithium-Battery-forklift12t Electric Forklift Truck8t Electric Forklift10t electric forklift truck25ton Lithium Battery Forklift7ton Electric Forklift16ton Lithium Battery forklift2 Ton Electric Forklift1.8 Ton Electric Forklift6 Ton Electric Forklift1.5 Ton Electric Forklift1 Ton Electric Forklift2.5 Ton Electric Forklift3.5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift5 Ton Electric Forklift3 Ton Electric Forklift4.5 Ton Electric Forklift1.6 Ton Three Wheel Forklift2 Ton Three Wheel Forklift
- Rough Terrain Forklift
- Supply 4-wheel Steer Rough Terrain Forklift7 Ton All Rough Terrain ForkliftFD25RTC4 Rough Terrain Forklift TruckFD35RT4 3.5T Rough Terrain ForkliftFD30RT4 3t Rough Terrain ForkliftFD35RT2 3.5t Rough Terrain ForkliftFD30RT2 3t Rough Terrain ForkliftFLIFT brand 3ton 3.5ton all rough terrain forklift for sale3 Ton Terrain Forklift
- Pallet stacker & Pallet truck
- DGX15 1.5t Electric Pallet StackerDGX12 1.2t Electric Pallet StackerMCC16 1.6t Man Mount Three-way StackerDGXC1530 1.5t Outdoor Electric Pallet StackerDGXC15 1.5t Electric Pallet StackerCTX18 1.8t Electric Pallet Truck JackDGX1520 1.5t Electric Pallet StackerDGX1230-walking-type-electric-pallet-stackerDGX1225 1200kg Electric Pallet StackerDGX1220 1.2t Walking Type Electric StackerCTXF20 2t Paper Roll/Wire Pallet TruckDGXA0420 0.4t Battery Indoor Counterbalanced StackerDGXB1020 1t outdoor counterbalanced stackerDGXC1520 1.5t Rough Terrain StackerCTXJ15 1.5t Electric Pallet TruckCTXA20 2t Rough-Terrain-Pallet-TruckCTXZ20 2t Electric Pallet TruckCTX20 2t Elecric Pallet Truck1.5 Ton Handling Electric Pallet Truck2 Ton Reach Forklift1.5 Ton Reach Forklift2 Ton Electric Pallet TruckSemi-electric Pallet Stacker3-Way Pallet StackerSide loading forklift truck4 direction reach truckElectric Tow Tractor 2t
- Customization Forklift
- 900kg CDD09B Electric Walking Type Counterweight StackerProfessional Walking Type Electric Stacker with Special Attachment1ton Electric Outdoor Rough Terrain Telescopic Spreader Stacker4t QDD40 Seated type Electric TractorQDD60 Seated Type Fully Electric Tractor3t QDD30C Electric Tractor with Turning Radius 1545mm2t CQD20A Electric Simple Type Reach Forklift Truck1.5t CQD15A Simple Type Electric Reach forklift Truck5t Convertible Seated Electric Flat Truck3t CBD30Z Electric Vehicle Transfer Truck1.5t CDD15Y Electric Pallet Stacker (Rough Terrain)1t CXD10-45 Electric High Lift-Order Picker2t CQD20S-60 Four-way Walking Type Reach Forklift TruckCDD10A/15A Walking Type Fully Electric Pallet Stacker3t QDD30A Standing Type Electric Tractor1t CSD10 Man Mount Three-way Stacker1.5t AGV type CDD15J-16 Electric Pallet StackerCBD80 8t Electric Pallet Stacker6t CBD60 Electric Pallet StackerCBD120 1.2t Electric Pallet Stacker2t CDD20D-30 Walking type Electric Pallet StacckerCDD08B-25 Counterweight Electric Pallet Stacker
- Forklift Attachements
- Waste Paper FixtureFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingnon-sideshiftingFixed Short Arm non-sideshiftingNon-sideshiftingHinged ForksCaton ClampRotatornon-SideshiftingTire ClampsPusherTurning Fork Clampsnon-sideshiftingLog HolderSideshiftingBroke Paper ClampsSideshiftingSideshiftingSingleLoad StabilizerFork PositionersSingle Double Pallet Handler
- 2017-11-04
- flift-forklift-products-range-and-service
- Our company Henan jingcheng xiandai forklift CO.,LTD has whole aytomatic production line for forklift manufacturing, i...
- 2017-11-04
- flift-forklift-established-a-complete-service-system
- My company strictly accordance with the ISO9001 quality service system for management, guarantee good product quality , ...
- 2017-10-28
- Selecting the Right Forklift Tires: Pneumatic vs. Cushion
- Choosing the right tire impacts the handling and safety* of your forklift. The majority of forklifts are specifically d...
- 2017-09-21
- China special 1.5 - 3 t explosion-proof forklift truck
- The explosion-proof forklift truck is a special type forklift, there are only two suppliers, we are the one of them.Welc...
- 2017-09-18
- Capacity introduction in Selecting of forklift
- To determine the best forklift for your needs, start with standard load weight and size. These vehicles are rated by the...
- 2017-09-16
- Choosing a suitable forklift you need to think of the max lift height, the load centre,outdoor use or not,and the narrowest aisles
- Choosing a suitable forklift you need to think of : 1, max lift height 2,the load centre 3,outdoor use or not 4,the nar...
- 2017-09-16
- Forklifts Buyer's Shopping Guide of diesel ,electric and rough terrain forklift truck
- A useful vehicle across different industries, forklifts greatly expedite the process of moving materials or products in ...
- 2017-05-31
- 12ton Electric Forklift Arrived in Malaysia in Good Condition
- 12ton Electric Forklift Arrived in Malaysia in Good Condition and comment!
- 2017-05-20
- FLIFT positively response the Belt and Road Initiative
- flift-forklift-truck positively response the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
- 2017-04-29
- World Biggest 12ton Electric Forklift User
- Congratulations! Our guests from Malaysia organized their senior manager to visit FLIFT in April. Finally they order the...
- 2017-04-12
- FLIFT Counter-balanced Weight Diesel Forklift Hot Selling
- Flift brand diesel forklift are expanding its business in South America , Asia ,Africa,etc,welcome your inquiry and visi...
- 2016-12-18
- FLIFT 2016 Review and 2017 Welcome
- Last year we have made great achievements, Flift brand is become more famous,we will work harder later
- 2015-05-10
- FLIFT Attend the CeMAT Asia in Shanghai 2015
- FLIFT is sincerely inviting you to join in the forklift truck exhibitions,CeMAT Australia 2015 from May 5th to 7th, boot...
- 2015-03-15
- FLIFT Exhibit EPA Forklift in ProMat, Chicago
- To access the latest material handling equipment and technologies, and find more opportunity in the world markets, FLIFT...
- 2014-05-10
- FLIFT will attend the CeMAT Germany Show 2014
- Henan Jingcheng Xiandai Forklift Co., Ltd, will exhibit diesel, gasoline/LPG, electric forklift on the CeMAT Hannover Ge...
- 2013-10-30
- FLIFT at CeMAT Shanghai 2013
- FLIFT as the largest exhibitor in CeMAT attracted eyes by its outstanding crafts work and a full range of product line f...
- 2007-12-21
- New 4-directional electric pallet stacker truck
- 4-Directional pallet stacker: With forward/backward travel modes and left/right Side travel modes, easy to switch , wi...
- 2007-12-20
- New Three-way narrow aisle electric pallet stacker truck
- New Three-way electric pallet stacker ,Forks can rotate 180 and do left-right side Shift without body turning